Juli Turpin Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, trained in London now living in Boston where the environment is amazingly conducive to health and healing.

 We used to think that our brains couldn’t change, that our nerve cells didn’t have the capacity to renew or reshape. This led us to identifying with habitual emotional responses. Believing ourselves to be at the mercy of intense states such as terror, despair, loss or fear makes it easier for them to become woven into the fabric of who we are.


More recent discoveries in neuroscience have since proven however, that we can in fact change our minds. Our neural pathways are endowed with plasticity, giving us the potential to develop new ones. Our unconscious emotional responses don’t have to determine who we are.


Dr. Edward Bach was a successful surgeon, bacteriologist and homeopath who created homeopathic vaccines used to treat military troops on their return from fighting in WW1. During his research, he discovered that the recovery of two people with the same physical condition would vary based on their mental and emotional disposition.


His success working with soldiers eventually led him to leave his lucrative career and seek out and develop a simple, gentle, self-help system that was intrinsically non-toxic and freely available to all. The result was a system of 38 flower essences that have since been used successfully by hundreds of thousands of people and animals around the globe.


 ‘Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all that appeals to most of us’                                                                              

                                                                                                                        Dr. Edward Bach


 Flower Essences are vibrational remedies that can catalyse profound transformation at an energetic level. Chosen for their specific soul quality, each of the 38 essences works by gently guiding our personality more in line with our soul. By enabling us to accept and assimilate the negative mindsets associated with our illness or situation, we raise our consciousness and come into greater alignment with our soul’s intention.


Positive changes that can be expected through working with the essences include releasing guilt and shame, moving through transitions with more ease, cultivating a quiet mind, reducing anxiety, finding one’s true calling, gaining a clear vision, tuning into intuition and much more.


It was Dr. Bach’s intention that this system remain simple and accessible to everyone. The Bach Foundation practitioner uses no special skills other than their knowledge of the essences and their ability to listen. The healing properties of the flowers meet us where we are; whichever emotions are uppermost; this is where we begin.


This approach is likened to peeling the layers of an onion; as each outermost layer is acknowledged and assimilated, deeper layers of emotional patterns and personality traits are uncovered. Through this layered approach the client is supported in developing a deeper level of self-awareness.


I was drawn to this system of healing because of its gentle yet deeply effective nature. Rather than imposing changes on the person, the essences allow for changes to happen in a loving and organic way. Given the unprecedented challenges we are experiencing on a collective level, I believe we are more in need of these gentle healers now than ever before.


A Bach consultation lasts approxiately one hour, at the end of which a personalized mix of up to seven essences is given. The essences are safe and gentle enough for anyone to take at any time and do not interfere with other medications or supplements.